Still waiting for the happy ending......

Claire was born in March 1994. She reached all her milestones, and was a very happy child, although she laughed at odd things, and was very slow at her work.
she began high school in Sept 2005' and the following may fell on the trampline. From then on, everything changed. She began calling herself in the third person, her memory went as did speech, and her behaviours became very aggressive.
Parents were told to attend parenting classes.
The family moved to Swansea in may 2010, and Claire was unable to attend school for 2 months, as nobody knew where she wold go. When mum visited places with her, she was always told she was autistic, and it was a relief when she was diagnosed in sept 2010' enabling bher to go an autistic unit, 30 miles away. The travelling was hard for Claire, and after being Bad over Christmas, when she woke in January, her behaviours were, unfortunately so bad she needed hospital admission again. After this, it was recommended she attend an autistic college/.care home, and family could visit as often as they wanted as they would prefer Claire home with them, but needed support.
During her time here, 8 months, Claire was 2 to 1 support at all times, and we are still working out how she absconded twice, crossing a main road, and laying one trampoline in a back garden, burnt her self with a kettle, cut her hair scissors, had a male carer in her bed. The LA removed her to put her closer to the parents, but put her in an assessment unit where she has been for 4 months as they have nowhere to place her. She is there still, and breaking her heart. We, as her parents, and her siblings, are all struggling.

Cath dyer
Swansea, United Kingdom