My Wonderful Son

My son was born in 1990. He is the sweetest thing I ever saw. I always explained things to him even though he did not respond I saw him digesting all this information. I was called when he was in 1st grade saying they think he is having seizures. I found out he has Autism. I stuck with him all the way thru the years and was very involved in his schooling. Always a great student and very respectful of adults, teachers, myself, etc. His father divorced me because he does not believe in Autism. Lots of emotions with having no friends and lonely but he got thru it. I always told him he can do whatever he chooses in life. He will be graduating from college next week and is registered for graduate school. He already works in his own High School and will be a school psychologist. He has made the best choices in life so far with so many things I just cant begin to believe he is my son. I am so blessed to have him in my life and always felt that I was. If each of these children have at least one person to have their backs you can make the difference!!!! Most of the people in this world that became famous or relevant have had some form of disability. This never stopped them. I know not every mother can devote their entire life like I have but I highly recommend doing without unnecessary things and being there in every school they attend. I wonder sometimes who he will Marry. I can't help but wonder. I sure hope one day God has his path cross with exactly who he needs. I just have this feeling. I love my story and I love my son so very much.

budd lake, NJ