My Super Hero

August 29th 2009 I welcomed my first son into this world! Extremely complicated labor I wasn't able to hold him until the next morning. When they placed him in my arms my eyes filled up with tears and my heart with joy. I was alive to see this moment now and it was time to start our lives together. Everything was good typical infant, as he started to grow though I started noticing things with him to me that weren't right. He would scream and grab his ears to any loud sounds, music, voices, crowds, I kept telling myself maybe he is just overly sensitive, I tried to take him everywhere I went, but would run into issues with crowds and loud sounds. His eating was another big concern as he would only eat certain things and at 5 years old still extremely picky. Now at 5 he sill still smell things and certain textures he still wont touch. he has complete break downs because he has a hard time communicating his wants and feelings, I have held him and cried with him I have cried in my car, to others, because I was just so lost, what was I doing so wrong as his mother to make him this way?. At a year he was tested for Autism and they at that time said they found nothing but was concerned for the Sensory Processing Disorder and wanted him re tested at 5, that was 4 years ago. September 27 2014 I received his diagnosis ASD/ Sensory Processing Disorder. I broke down, I had finally gotten the answers after 4 years but now I blamed myself. it wasn't until recently i stopped, I now do not. He has a diagnosis but that changes nothing with who is he is, he is my little boy and that's all I see, we are now in therapy 4 times a week ABA Therapy starting soon. Hes not broken or weird, hes my sweet beautiful boy. I will be his voice and he will teach me! Hes my Super Hero forever!

Davena Sigler
chesapeake, VA