My Super Hero

August 29th 2009 I welcomed my first son into this world, extremely complicated labor I wasn't able to hold him until the next morning, when they placed him in my arms, my eyes filled up with tears, and my heart with joy, I was alive to see this moment now it was time to start our life together, all was good typical infant, as he started growing I started noticing things with him not adding, by 6 months I knew some things were just not right, he would scream and grab his ears to any loud sounds, music, voices, crowds, I kept telling myself maybe he's just overly sensative, I tried to take him everywere I went but would run into issues with crowds and sounds. His eating was another big concern as he would only eat certain things once started on foods, he smelled everything I was like oh ok well he just loves smelling stuff, he had and has severe emotional break downs often and has a really hard time with his attention span, at a year he was tested and they told me then they thought Sensory Processing Disorder this has went on for about 4 years, ive chosen to think my child's fine he will outgrow whatever it is, He hasn't on September 27, 2014 I sat and received his diagnosis, ASD/Sensory Processing Disorder, I just broke down in tears, I asked what did I do? Did I cause this? I blamed myself! We are now in therapy 4 times a week, and I realize, my son is not a diagnosis, while he's on the spectrum, I see my son! I see my super hero, I am reminded daily that he's just a typical 5 year old and that his little brain is just wired a little different! I will be his voice, and he will teach me! He has taught me so much In just this short amount of time after his diagnosis, I am so thankful for the early intervention for him im already seeing improvements. My super hero forever!

davena sigler
Chesapeake, VA