My Little Annabelle

My little Annabelle was diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism (HFA) a year ago. We thought she was just like other children entering stage terrible twos horrible three. She looks normal & her motor skill was ok so we assumed she was only delay in speech. We sent her to nursery when she was 2.5 years old, hope that she could pick up her speech & communication skills while mixing around. In fact, she didn't improve much and still shown temper tantrums, lack of eyes contact, couldn't focus during the class, only did what she likes at school.

A year later, I convinced my husband to consult specialist. Doctor explained all the symptoms and what treatment should be taken. She improves dramatically after attending occupational therapy & speech therapy for 3 months. She is now better in communication, express herself and pick up dual languages. Although she yet could control her emotion & fully sharing, might not be good story teller, not recognize words/ verbs, but at least she is willing to practice more & talks to us.

We're glad that she is doing so well, she improves bit by bit everyday. She loves drawing so much, with all the smiling faces, indicate everyone of us in the family and signed with her name on the top :)

My little Annabelle, let's us learn and grow with you together

Penang, Malaysia