My life with Aspergers

My mom have told me I always was the odd girl at kindergarten. I never spoke to anyone but my best (and only) friend. In 1st grade I got one new friend that I always stayed with. All the time. By 7th grade I only had one friend again. I had had a huge fight with my first friend and she wouldn't speak to me again. When my only friend started talking to other people and make other friends I got jealous and tried to talk to people. I got bullied a lot so no one really paid attention to my hellos or any other kind of trying to make friends. It ended up with me crying in my room and playing with barbie. I got bullied at home to. By my dad that every day told me how much of a freak I am. Now my life is great. My mom took me and left my dad. I started at a new school in 8th grade and got good grades. I have always loved reading and now I'm calm enough to do it. I have always been depressed and now I'm taking medicine against depression so I can finally laugh and smile again. The scars on my hands don't bother me anymore. I'm happy again. The one big thing in my life is Twilight. I got 928 posters in my room and over 175 Twilight stuff. Such as autographs and a costume and a ton of jewellery. This November I'm going to meet some of the actors which have been my dream since I was 8. I'm now in 10th grade and my life is as perfect as it can get. I only got one thing to say to everyone else out there. Stay strong!

Trondheim, Norway