Michai's story

Michai was born at 39 wks during my last trimester he had a hard time growing and had to be delivered in order to save him. He was 4 lbs 12 oz at birth. Each milestone that he should have been reaching at certain stages in his development was delayed I just thought that he would catch up soon enough. Deep down I knew something was different with him at his 2 yr checkup with his doctor she noticed some things that seemed to be off so she recommended that he be seen by a specialist. Well while at the doctor's office he showed signs of Autism (PDD).I was so scared of this label because I didn't understand it.So I started to educate myself on it and on my son..I learned so much from it all Michai has went through 2 yrs of therapy and now is in a school that is geared towards children with the same needs as him...He is thriving there he is starting to say words on his own without prompts.He can now listen to commands and do what is needed of him although we still struggle with a lot of things like going to places that are unfamiliar but now there are less tantrums because I know his triggers and can adjust things to help ease the situation. He has taught me patience and perseverance..I was scared but I am not anymore now I see the bigger picture that my child is a one of a kind person with so much to teach us all about life and love and I know he will be OK... Being the mother of this extraordinary child is a blessing and such a privilege I am so grateful to be called Michai's Mommy....
