love of my life

When I first found out I was pregnant with my son Hayden, I was 5 months along already. He was the best thing that ever happened to me because he saved it.
My life was going down the drain and fast but once I found out then gave birth, my life has never been better.
My son wasn't diagnosed until he was five years old, should half way through pre-k. I may not have liked what I heard but it explained so much to me as well.
Ever since then, my son has become brighter everyday. He may test me or the teachers, but I'm always learning. He teaches me to view the world differently then I could ever imagine.
Everyone he views as a friend and he doesn't judge. He loves everyone and makes my life full. I feel like through him, I see a million rainbows. Nothing is ever wrong or right, it just is. He's a strong independent boy and is laughing all the time. His smile lights up my world and I couldn't be more proud.

Deanna Eaton
Mount Airy, NC