Kyle's Story

We knew Kyle was Autistic just after his first birthday. The doctors said he was running a little behind because he's a boy. His affectionate nature toward me led the pediatrician to dismiss the notion of Autism. My husband and I refused to ignore our instincts.
After being put on a waiting list, we began speech and occupational therapy as well as Early On at 18 months. We put him on a gluten/casein/dairy/soy-free diet and started him on Fish Oil (2.5ml daily).
Our little boy, who was staring out windows and crying when anyone besides my husband or I so much as touched him, began to look into our eyes and to laugh. He developed a sense of humor. He began to let extended family members carry him, feed him and (briefly) embrace him.
Kyle is 30 months old and was formally diagnosed just four days ago. It was difficult to hear, but we were as prepared as we could be. We started this journey long ago, but this is the beginning of his life as an "Autistic child."
He is non-verbal, exhibits repetitive behavior and is socially awkward. But, with early intervention, he is a progressing steadily.
I know we haven't experienced the worst, but he has already changed who I am and how I view humanity. He is our gift from God and we will not rest until we break him out of his own mind. Bless all of you who share your most vulnerable moments. Your stories help me prepare for what's ahead.
I have patience. I have faith. I have hope. Best of all, I have the love of a little boy named Kyle who God deemed me fit to mother.

Katey Meisner
Highland Twp, MI