Kyla's Autism Story

Hi I'm a single mom to this beautiful girl. My daughter was a bright blue eye happy baby. I started noticing things were different a few months before she turned 2. At age 20 months she was still "bum shuffling" not pointing, little eye contact, didn't like big crowds and flapped her hands. I decided to make a doctors appointment September 2013. Her doctor notice something wasn't right so since we live in a small town I had to wait a long 6 months before she had testing done. March 4, 2014 I was told my daughter was diagnosed with Autism. I was heart broken, scared, shocked, and confused. Right away I got Kyla all the help our town offered. She is now 3 years old and 2 months. She has came a long way and makes me very proud. Kyla loves music and animals. My child has taught me more then anybody in life and I will never give up on her!

Iron River, MI