A Russian Orphan Becomes a Nationally Recognized Special Needs Advocate

Kelsey, age 11, has been diagnosed with PDD which is on the autism spectrum. She was adopted from a Russian orphanage when she was 14 months old weighing less than 14 pounds. Alone, sick, starving and emaciated, her head had been shaved due to lice. When she was adopted, no one could predict whether she was ever going to be able to walk or talk.

Ten years later, Kelsey continues to amaze everyone and defy the odds. She is currently a 5th grade special education student who has won more than 35 pageant titles. Kelsey is one of the youngest children in the country to have received two awards from the Kohl's Kids Care Scholarship Program which recognizes young people who make a difference in their community. This summer she also received the gold president's volunteer service award with a congratulatory letter from President Obama. In addition, she has raised thousands of dollars to help children in need and their families.

Kelsey's pageant platform is "Special Needs Means Special Abilities" - - the importance of self-advocacy for individuals with developmental disabilities". She believes that individuals with disabilities can achieve great things in life and make a tremendous positive difference in the lives of others. When she grows up, she wants to be a role model for others and start her own charitable foundation that will support children with special needs.

Recently, Kelsey competed in the Miss Georgia Elementary School Pageant where she won the prestigious National Pageantry Magazine Spirit Award. The Pageantry Magazine Spirit Award is awarded for promoting friendship, sportsmanship, and character development. It is awarded to individuals who, by their selfless actions and deeds, have a profound and positive influence in the lives of those they touch. Kelsey is a proud recipient of this award and understands she is one of the few individuals with developmental disabilities who have ever received this honor. If you would like to follow Kelsey's journey, her Facebook page is: Kelsey Norris - Special Needs Means Special Abilities.

Carol Norris
Bonaire, GA